NEISD Community Advocates: Parents, students, school staff, and community members advocating for respect and dignity.
Collective Action

Rally to Save Our Schools
On Monday, February 10th NEISD Community Advocates held a rally outside of Central Office to encourage board members to delay the vote. This grassroots parent and community organization worked hard to save our schools. We look forward to continuing to serve the community in the future.

Meeting Schedule
We meet regularly on Zoom and in person to work together on saving our NEISD schools. Check out our schedule to find the next meet-up and stay informed about important events.
Research on Closures
Check out the research on the financial, academic, communal, and emotional impacts of school closures. Let's understand the history of school closures so that we're not doomed to repeat those mistakes.
The NEISD Community Advocates Platform
We are the NEISD Community Advocates – a collective of NEISD parents, teachers, school workers, and community members from the targeted schools and beyond. We know the importance of fiscal responsibility firsthand managing family budgets and we stand opposed to school closures as a way to achieve it in NEISD. Furthermore, we denounce the way in which the proposed closures have been carried out in the knowledge that it’s never too late for the district to correct the course and do right by the community.
School Closures Are Harmful to Students & Community
Public Schools Belong to the People, and the People Should Have a Say
We Should Exhaust All Other Options Before Resorting to Closing Schools
We Need Concrete, Measurable Goals for Improved Student, Family, and Educator Outcomes

Community Meetings with the District
In January the superintendent held community meetings at Wilshire Elementary, Clear Spring Elementary, and Driscoll Middle school. Please click the link for each school to share your feedback with the district.
Wilshire Elementary School
Wednesday, January 22nd
6:00-7:30 pm
6523 Cascade
Clear Spring Elementary
Thursday, January 23rd
6:00-7:30 pm
4311 Clear Spring
Driscoll Middle School
Wednesday, January 29th
6:00-7:30 pm
17150 Jones Maltsberger
NEISD Community Advocates are not connected with any political party, elected official, or candidate.